Laura Ziedone Bio

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Ziedone Country

I’m Latvian, but, despite being born in a cold country, I love the sun, which is why I’m based in Bali for some part of the year. I’m a typical Aquarius that values her freedom, hates small talk and loves a good conspiracy theory. I’m a proud environmentalist and supporter of animal rights. I am taking kickboxing classes myself so I love watching all the Glory fights. I admire the fighters’ determination and strength (both mental and physical), and for me kickboxing truly is an art. I always try to be outgoing and bubbly, especially around new people but only a few closest friends know the true me and my friends are my greatest treasure. I love observing people and learning new things. A quality I value a lot is when someone can be their own unapologetic self. Self awareness and being mindful towards others is extremely attractive to me. I feel most connected to myself when I’m in nature. There is nothing more soothing than the sound of the ocean or crickets at night. Having said that, I hate camping. I like the best of both worlds - city life and countryside/nature. My goal is to lead a life I will never need a vacation from, and my motto is less is more, except when more is more.
Follow Laura on her offical Instagram page